Richard Soloman
25 Wilton Road
25 Wilton Road
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Als onderscheiden LEADING EMPLOYER 2024 behoort IWG tot de TOP 1% van werkgevers in het VK.
In its kind, LEADING EMPLOYERS is the most comprehensive assessment of employer qualities. It is an independently conducted study based on millions of metadata. In total, more than 200,000 companies were included in the research.
The meta-analysis focuses on a holistic approach: not only certain perspectives or key topics are included in the employer evaluation, but rather the big picture, which is the key to identifying an outstanding employer. This comprises of employee satisfaction, working conditions, understanding of values, environmental awareness, reputation and much more.
Our staff and search robots undertake research, collect information and compile millions of data records from studies, statistics, review portals and reports. All sources used in the survey can be viewed publicly and transparently. Further details on the process and methodology are explained in the following short video.
The meta-analysis focuses on a holistic approach: not only certain perspectives or key topics are included in the employer evaluation, but rather the big picture, which is the key to identifying an outstanding employer. This comprises of employee satisfaction, working conditions, understanding of values, environmental awareness, reputation and much more.
Our staff and search robots undertake research, collect information and compile millions of data records from studies, statistics, review portals and reports. All sources used in the survey can be viewed publicly and transparently. Further details on the process and methodology are explained in the following short video.
IWG heeft meer dan 10.000 verschillende en getalenteerde collega's over de hele wereld die de basis vormen van het bedrijf, zodat miljoenen klanten elke dag een geweldige werkdag hebben.
Francesca Peters
Chief Talent Officer, IWG