tristar Hotels
Kurfürstendamm 14
10719 Berlin
Awarded in these countries:

As an awarded LEADING EMPLOYER 2025, tristar Hotels is among the TOP 1% of German employers.
tristar Hotels currently operates more than 45 well-known brand hotels in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. We always focus on our employees - our triSTARS.
YOU count!
YOU are at the centre of everything we do - your personality, your ideas and your commitment make the difference.
YOU are the reason why we are looking forward to the future, and in our company we don't just hire for skills, but also for heart, passion and the potential to develop further. We want YOU to be part of our story, where your voice is heard and your contribution really matters. #be_a_triSTAR
In our company, every individual counts, it's the people - our triSTARS - who make the difference! We are particularly proud to have been recognised as a Leading Employer. The study shows that not losing sight of our employees and taking care of their well-being has paid off across the board. True to our motto ‘YOU count!’

Christian Stein-Kalesky
Head of People & Culture