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Österreichische Bundesforste AG
Alexandra Binder, MSc
Pummergasse 10-12
3002 Purkersdorf
+43 2231 600-4043
Awarded in these countries:
2021 Austria
2022 Austria
2023 Austria
2024 Austria

As an awarded LEADING EMPLOYER 2024, Österreichische Bundesforste AG is among the TOP 1% of employers in Austria.

The Austrian Federal Forests are Austria's nature enterprise. The approximately 1,000 employees care for, protect and manage the natural resources owned by the Republic - forests, lakes and mountains - sustainably, responsibly and in the interests of all. We look after every tenth square metre of forest and nature in our country, including 15 % of the forest areas and 74 of the larger lakes. Around half of these areas are subject to nature conservation regulations, and around a third of the forests in the mountains are designated as protected forests. This is a special responsibility. Sustainability is therefore the central guiding principle of the company: no more is taken from nature than will grow back. Ecological, economic and social interests are constantly evaluated and balanced in the best possible way for the common good. The company's core business is forestry with the associated hunting and fishing activities. Increasingly important for the
The business areas of property, services and renewable energy are becoming increasingly important for the company's success.

Meta-Study 2024
Metastudie 2024
Recruiting Performance
Recruiting Performance
Career Page
Sustainability is our strongest corporate value. With this in mind, we also practise sustainable HR management and invest in our employees. We are particularly pleased that we were once again recognised as a top 1% employer in the holistic LEADING EMPLOYERS study.
Dipl.-Ing. Johann Sauprigl
Dipl.-Ing. Johann Sauprigl
Personnel Manager