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Landesamt für Soziales und Versorgung des Landes Brandenburg

Frau Plaschek

Lipezker Straße 45, Haus 5

03048 Cottbus


0355 2893243

Awarded in these countries:
2025 Germany

As an awarded LEADING EMPLOYER 2025, Landesamt für Soziales und Versorgung des Landes Brandenburg is among the TOP 1% of German employers.

The State Office for Social Affairs and Care is a subordinate authority of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs of the State of Brandenburg.  Around 490 employees currently work at the Cottbus, Potsdam and Frankfurt (Oder) sites. The LASV's main areas of work include the assessment of severely disabled persons, benefits under social compensation law, measures for the professional and social participation of people with disabilities as well as grants and subsidies in the areas of care, integration, social affairs, health, family and women.
As an employer, the LASV offers a wide range of activities. The LASV has a certified family and life-phase orientated personnel policy. In particular, we offer flexible working hours, mobile working within the scope of official possibilities, parent-child rooms, a care guide and an external counselling and support programme for private and professional matters.
We also offer our employees active company health management, qualified professional and non-professional training, team days, 30 days' holiday and modern, ergonomic office equipment.

Further information can be found at

Meta-Study 2025
Meta-Study 2025
Environmental, Social, Governance
Environmental, Social, Governance
The award was a great surprise for us and at the same time a special recognition of our continuous efforts to offer our employees an environment in which they feel comfortable and can realise their full potential. At a time when the shortage of skilled workers is increasingly becoming a labour shortage in all areas, we at LASV are doing everything we can to provide our employees with individual support in various life situation.
Christina Schröter
Christina Schröter
Präsidentin des Landesamtes für Soziales und Versorgung des Landes Brandenburg